This is Dry January Reimagined.

Unlock More of your Potential 

4 Week Challenge Starts January 4th! 

Unlock more of your Inner Power
  • Holistic Approach: It's not just about cutting out alcohol; it's about enriching your life on every level.
  • Personal Growth: Set the foundation for a year of self-improvement and personal achievements.
  • Positive Habits: Establish habits that nourish your body and mind for long-lasting well-being.
Sign Up Now for €49

The 28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge 

It's not about what you're giving up but instead about what you will gain...


Unlock a realm of physical vitality. Your body can become a canvas for positive change. Give your organs the chance to rejuvenate, your skin to glow, and your energy levels to soar. Experience the tangible benefits of improved sleep, enhanced digestion, and a newfound sense of physical well-being that will reverberate throughout the year.


Your mind gains clarity and resilience. Witness the transformative power of a clear headspace, reduced anxiety, and improved focus. Wake up with a sharper mind ready to conquer challenges. It's not just a detox for your body; it's a revitalisation for your mental state, laying the foundation for sustained mental well-being in the months ahead.



By stepping away from the crutch of alcohol, you unlock your true potential. Discover hidden strengths, explore passions, and set ambitious goals. Paint the picture of your aspirations and define the path to self-fulfillment. Savor the limitless opportunities you're embracing to realise your dreams and become the person you aspire to be.


Did you know?

Our 28 day Alcohol Free Challenge is the catalyst for change.

This could be a total mind, body & soul reset and with our HIIT workouts, live yoga classes & delicious recipes; you get a gym & a cooking membership all in one convenient place! 😍

Do you drink alcohol...

  • Want to do Dry January this year?
  • Think you are more fun when you drink alcohol?
  • Drink alcohol when you are stressed?
  • Drink alcohol to help you relax?
  • Drink alcohol to give you confidence?

Yes? Then The Alcohol Free Challenge is for you!

Our 28 day Alcohol Free Challenge will debunk the myths and the social constructs that are drilled into us from a young age. 

Experience the freedom of saving money and unlocking more time, energy, and your ultimate potential. Embrace the power of taking a pause to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages, and rediscover your best self.

Don't just abstain. THRIVE!


of participants find that they save money when completing the Alcohol Free Challenge.


of people find their sleep improves when they give up alcohol for the month.


of people find that they have more energy when they give up alcohol.

Alcohol Free Challenge


Delicious Mocktail recipes so you never feel deprived. Along with over 400 delicious food recipes for you to try.

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Alcohol Free Challenge


Benefit from our thousands wide community of like-minded individuals. Join our weekly support sessions for some additional reinforcement.

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Alcohol Free Challenge

Inner Calm

Meditations, Mindfulness and Breathing Sessions to squash even the strongest of cravings!

Alcohol Free Challenge


Learn daily habits and adopt a new routine to make the most of your additional time (and money!)

Experience the Joy of True Wellbeing

Are you ready to wake up to mornings brimming with energy and free from the haze of last night's glass of wine? Imagine facing your day with a clear mind, a lighter step, and a few extra quid in the wallet.

Break Free from the Nightly Wine Routine

We know it's comfortable. But we also know you're here because you sense a change will do you good. You're not alone. Join a community of like-minded people who are saying "yes" to themselves and "no" to alcohol.

Join Our Alcohol Free Challenge

Our 4-week Alcohol-Free Challenge is more than just a break from alcohol; it's a gateway to a rejuvenated body and soul. Discover the secret to restful sleep, improved digestion, and a happier mood - all while enjoying delicious plant-based meals.

What's included for just €49.99

  • Access to the Alcohol Free Challenge with 38 Lessons and Videos
  • A supportive community filled with people on a similar journey.
  • Access to 400+ additional Happy Pear Recipes.
  • A library of home workouts, exercises and meditations that will ease the cravings throughout your journey.

  • Exclusive access to live support sessions with David and Stephen. You can also watch them back. 
  • Daily live lifestyle sessions such as yoga, morning stretches and mindfulness.
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Let us be your guides...

David and Stephen Flynn, founders and owners of 

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Dave & Steve-1
Professional Chefs
Professional Vegan Chefs for 20 years, with Cafes, Restaurants, Farms and Food Products.
Youtube Stars
Nearly 50 million views on YouTube Recipe Videos, and over 500 thousand subscribers.
Bestselling Authors
Authors of 6 international best selling Plant Based Cookbooks. Over 300,000 books sold.
Sign Up Now for €49
You have nothing to lose except those dreaded hangovers...
We commit to helping you to turn your health around by focusing on the pillars of your health.
If you're not 100% satisfied with the course after 7 days, we will gladly refund you what you paid for it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to change my life?

You won't have to change your life completely. We don't expect you to move house or get new friends, but there may be some new lifestyle habits that may be a change from your current lifestyle. But just remember, it takes only 28 days for new habits to form...

...So a lifestyle change may just around the corner!!

I am very busy, how much time will this take?

The Alcohol Free Challenge is 28 days long, and for best results we recommend completing the 28 days consecutively. 

You never know, you might continue even longer - remember it only takes 28 days to form new habits.

Are the recipes hard to make?

No - All of the recipes have full ingredients list and step-by-step instructions. You are not expected to be a Michelin Star chef. We have had great results from even the most self-proclaimed novice cooks.

Can I eat meat on this plan?

This is a Whole Food Plant Based Eating plan, meaning there is no animal products (Meat, Dairy or Eggs) in the Meal Plans or Recipes.

Do I have to start the course on the day I purchase it?

No - You will have access to the course for 1 year after purchase. But for best results, we recommend starting on January 4th with your fellow Dry January peers!

Will this work for me?

Everyone is different, so some people see results faster than others. All previous Alcohol Free Challenge participants have reported positive results when they followed the course as outlined.

How long will I have access for?

You will have access to the Alcohol Free Challenge and other content for 1 year after purchase.

Sign Up Now for €49